Monday 2 December 2013

45 minute inquiry


Curling is a sport many people play. The most popular age for a guy or girl is the ages between 35-49. 25-34 and 50-64 are also very popular for there ages. Only 2% are under 20 years old that play this sport. Curling is done on ice or in the olden days they used the frozen over ponds to play curling.

To play curling you need four people. The first person is called a lead they are the first person to throw the first and second stone and then they sweep for 6 sweeps. Second person throws the third and fourth stone. Third person throws the fifth and sixth. The fourth person is like the captain they are called a skip. They think of the tactics and plans for the game, also they tell you what to do. The game can go for 15 minutes. The skip person throws the first stone and when the stone stops the next person is to throw the stone.

You need equipment to play curling, you need gloves but they are optional. You use a carbon fibre curling stick with a horse head. Curling shoes and a stone which is 19.1kg heavy the stone needs to be poilshed. You need a rink that is 42.07m long and 4.28m wide.

Curling was invented and found in medieval in scotland in the year 1541 . In 1998 curling was put into the winter Olympics. You can play outside or inside.

Friday 29 November 2013

45min Inquiry

Tauranga Port imports and exports logs from Asia, Australia  Pacifica, America  UK, Europe  Middle East Africa and New Zealand.

They come and go on ship, train or trucks. The trees are mostly pine trees. The logs are taken to factories because they can be made into paper. They come on the big container ships.

Thursday 28 November 2013

TGC Orientation Day

Today 300 year 8 girls from Tauranga Intermediate and heaps of other people went to Tauranga Girls College for orientation day. Mrs Ferguson the deputy principle talked to us about the school and the opportunity that they have. 

Ms Leech took us around the school with some year 9 girls hunter. We looked at all the classrooms from the outside. We went into a classroom and got given information about next year. We talked for 1 hour all up the good and the bad of the school.

We went back to the old gym and said good bye. I am excited for next year but nervous as well of getting lost!

Wednesday 27 November 2013

45min Inquiry

The first picture is a Totem pole. Most people call the totem pole a "story pole." They are man made carvings. The carver carves it about family. The totem pole can memorialize deceased person. Can also represent a animal or clan. The biggest totem pole is 56.4m.

Second picture is a boomerang. The boomerang is first came from Australia. They were used for hunting and you throw the boomerang and it spins in a perpendicular way. You throw a boomerang by holding the bottom of the boomerang. It needs to be thrown on a 5 to 10 degree angle.

Maori Carvings is this a third picture. The Toi Carving represents a special person. A lot of carvings can be seen in maraes.

Inuit whaling boots are for a child and they are made out of whale seal leather which is gray. White ribbon and is an Artic Souvenir

What are these things and what do they have in common.
1. Totem Pole
2. Boomerang
3. Maori carving
4. Inuit whaling boots

They are all apart of cultures.

Monday 25 November 2013

Koi Carp Bow Hunting

On Saturday Mrs Mills went Bow fishing in the Waikato at Huntley. They used the bow and arrow to kill the Koi Carp because they are pests. They are pests because the pollute water quality and are a serious problem in Australia and New Zealand.
They eat native fish and their eggs, also they dig up the mud stirring the water and it kills native trees.
Koi Carp can grow up to 80cm and can weigh up to 10kgs.

Koi Carp is eatable but is a very oily fish and not many people like them. They breed between August & September. They are found in the Waikato and in Auckland. They are in lakes rivers & creeks. 

To use the bow in arrow you put the arrow in the bow and set it at your target. Aim for about 15cm below where the fish is because of the refraction of the light, speed and direction. 
The arrow needs a line attached to it because then you can receive the fish after you have killed it with the arrow. You don't need a license to do this.

Mrs Mills went boe hunting fishing last weekend because the koi carp were spawning (breeding) and they come into the shallows to do this.

You can hunt for Koi Carp in Tauranga in lakes, rivers and ponds but are more found in the Waikato or Auckland. Mrs Mills caught caught 6 Koi Carp she didn't not throw the fish back into the water because you can be fined.  She left them on the side of the lake and were taken by some fishermen.

Friday 22 November 2013

Which button would you pick and why?

I choose yellow button. Which gives me the ability to read peoples minds.
I choose this one because then I can read peoples and my friends mind to see if they are telling the truth or lying. Also if I was a judge or a police officer I would be able to read the victims mind to see if they are telling the truth or not. If I could read someones mind then I would know what they think of me and when I'm not around.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tennis Sport

Today room 41 had a Tennis tournament. We had to go into partners my partner was Anna. We were playing in the tournament first. We versed Jahna and Lauren first and we won! We played all the girls and kept our title. We played Mrs Mills and Sharnae and they beat us by 1 point. But then we got in again and got hold our title again.

Anna and I were the best girls so we played the best boys which were Kyle and Matthew. Unfortunately we lost 5-1. But we are still the best girls at tennis in our class.

Before we started playing we adapted the rules of the game. The double pair if they won they only had to get three points. For serve you didn't have to do over arm you could do under arm. You can have a double fault. 

It was hard hitting the ball lightly because I was used ti hitting a hockey ball really hard. I improved on hitting the ball softer over the 2 days we did tennis.

Anna and I did really well I personally thought we worked well as a team and got an amazing result out of it :)