Friday, 19 April 2013

Maths Reflection

This Term in maths we have been learning about how to multiply large numbers using algorithms and the box method.  I have also learnt how to multiply and divide decimals. 


Box Method

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Student-Led Conferences Reflection

Student-Led Conferences Reflection

What happened?
I ran my mum through what I have been doing, learning and need working on. I showed her my online blog and how the whole world can see it and can show Mrs Mills what homework task we are up to. I also showed my mum my online learning journal which I explained is like a normal book learning journal but just online.

What did you like/dislike about it?

I like that we could try and beat our parent in time tables
I liked that there were other kids and parents in the same room as you so it wasn’t just you talking.
I disliked it how it was quiet and how everyone could hear you that was in the room.

What feedback did your whanau give you? 
That I’ve been doing well in all of my subjects

What would you change if you could?

Monday, 15 April 2013

Camp Scenarios

We had to some how make a presentation using the answers and information that we found out. We had to display it showing that we researched and wrote the answers in our own words.

Camp Scenarios Presentation