In second block the whole Tauranga Intermediate had a whole school assembly. Norm Hewitt came to our school and talked to us. Norm Hewitt is a rugby player who plays with the All Blacks. Norm Hewitt had a dream of being a cowboy. But when he watched the All Blacks play in 1976 he changed his dream, he wanted to be an All Black instead of a cowboy.
Norm had a lot of animals. He had a horse called Tommy he used to ride him at night so he didn't have to watch his father beat up his mother. He also had a cat called Fluffy he was a fluffy cat, and two dogs called Storm and Trixie. He told us that he told all his secrets to his animals, they didn't judge him on how he looked or anything they were good listeners.
Whaea Shelly was a person who had adopted lots of animals from the SPCA. She has a bull dog called Ozzy he is 77 years old in dog years and 11 years in human years. Whaea Shelly told us what the five freedoms are, Shelter you have to have shelter that will keep your animal warm on cold days and good shade in the hot days. Food and water, also being able to access food and water at anytime. Exercise making sure it is healthy and gets all the exercise outside as possible. Love, all animals need love and even humas do to. Vet care making sure you animal has the best care as possible and making sure it is not unwell.
Norm Hewitt grew up in Pironghia with his family. There was only 23 people at his school. One third of those people were Norm's brothers and sisters. The three things at Norm loves is the All Blacks, Fish 'n' chips and Cowboys. Norman also won the Dancing with the stars 2001.